I love when Gina comes climbing with me. She's even gotten herself some shoes. Its great! It always feels super great to have someone come with you. Added confidence and company. It's a boost mentally and physically because she pushes me and tells me to try things i'd be apprehensive about. She's a great friend and I'm super glad we've become close again. We've always done things together, but now its becoming a thing we can do together and she enjoys.

I'd had a unfortunate morning and when she suggested we go climbing I was surprised and stoked to go. After getting excited about her wanting to buy herself some shoes, we spent 3.5 hours at the wall, starting easy, getting harder then bringing it down as our hands got sore. I bouldered round the bottom of the wall quite a few times, making my own routes, just making my way round, trying to just get some technique down. Get something that pushes me. I think I did. I belayed Gina up a couple 5s when we came back down from the bouldering room. We switched between upstairs and downstairs a lot. I tried making my own route in the cave a couple times and got higher than I had before. Its small, but its progress in my ability. Its a good feeling. Gina was breaking in her shoes, (which she loves) and bouldered a little too. I gave her beta on a couple routes as she climbed. She's getting so good. I'm so glad she comes with me.
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